I don't know why, why am I so easily conform to a person's life.

Me, now, coughing my life away while writing this possible emo post. Why?

Yes, yet, another dude used me as a spare tyre. Is this my life supposed to be?
Is playing hard-to-get THE WAY to get guys now? fuck that shit seriously.

There is enough of gay men in my life now, all I need now is someone that will love me.

I have fabulous friends, loving family, stable school life, just that one miserable thing that barred me from the 100% terrific life.

And yet, everyone around me is having it, and not me.

No, I'm not jealous.

But for the fucking fact that it always comes loitering at the door but not entering into MY LIFE, than it will turn away.

??? Come, stay for awhile, and go. Than what for it appear in my life? To test me ?

Sorry, but I'm not those girls that will play hard to get, because I don't have the rights due to my weight.

Since that is the main freaking reason, I shall be anorexic, happy?